Edfri International has spread it’s wings into doing other sorts of things for the benefit of it’s members and society at large. Among its objectives of formation are:
Challenging people with the Christian faith, calling people to the Christian faith, encouraging people to become members of evangelical Christian church, educating Christians in their responsibilities as members of the evangelical church and acquainting Christians with the vital issues affecting the Christian church in the world…. To own or manage hotels, bonded warehouses, storage of goods for profit, and do all things connected with forwarding business.
Started with gospel in education institutions
Edfri International came into being way back in 1977 with simple objectives/goals then of reaching out with the gospel into Institutions of higher learning in Kenya-Also alongside, we immediately started assisting in a small way with education sponsorship to the needy and deserving students through primary and Advanced education programmes.
Inception of a church Kambakia Christian Centre(KCC)
God spoke to me in 1990 when KCC opened up its doors as a church (and to be precise it was on 28th January 1990) and He said son "Build me a strong base here". This message came to me repeatedly over six times-In my heart I knew it was God speaking to me.
Builing Kambakia Christian Centre
The vision became clear that God was calling upon me to build a strong base at Kambakia with over 1000 adults disciples and couple of hundreds of children.
The KCC would be used mightily by God to spread fires of Revival in Kenya and parts of Africa. -
Ministry and Church Growth
Edfri International has spread its wings into doing other sorts of things for the benefit of its members and society at large.